all | A tag class that is used to represent all types of either a particular key type, or a particular value type |
container< KeyType, DataType, ObjectType, ObjectIdentificationTag, KeyDispatchTag, StorageTag > | The main container manipulation class |
container_auto_resize< StorageTag > | Resizes a vector automatically in order to allow valid access |
container_auto_resize< dense_data_tag > | Resizes a vector automatically in order to allow valid access. Specialization for dense data access |
container_erasure_dispatcher< KeyType, DataType, ObjectIdentificationTag, KeyDispatchTag, StorageTag > | A dispatch facility that unwraps type-erasued key-value type pairs |
container_erasure_dispatcher< KeyType, DataType, object_provided_id, KeyDispatchTag, dense_data_tag > | For a dense data storage with vectors, delete element by resetting |
container_erasure_dispatcher< KeyType, DataType, object_provided_id, type_key_dispatch_tag, dense_data_tag > | Resolves the ambiguity erasing elements using dense storage with type-based dispatch |
container_erasure_dispatcher< KeyType, DataType, ObjectIdentificationTag, type_key_dispatch_tag, StorageTag > | Spezialization: Provides erase functionality for type-based key dispatch |
container_key_value_pair< KeyType, DataType, KeyDispatchTag > | Accesses the data based on the provided (KeyType, DataType) pair |
container_key_value_pair< KeyType, DataType, type_key_dispatch_tag > | Specialization of container_key_value_pair for type-based key dispatch (type_key_dispatch_tag) |
container_reservation_dispatcher< ContainerType, ObjectIdentificationTag, StorageTag > | Helper class: Reserve memory based on the selected identification mechanism. Nothing needs to be done when a map container is used |
container_reservation_dispatcher< ContainerType, object_provided_id, dense_data_tag > | When used with dense data storage, the underlying vector container needs to be resized |
container_storage< KeyType, DataType, ObjectType, ObjectIdentificationTag, KeyDispatchTag, StorageTag > | Helper class for the deduction of the correct storage type. Default case |
container_storage< KeyType, DataType, ObjectType, object_provided_id, KeyDispatchTag, dense_data_tag > | Helper class for the deduction of the correct storage type. Dense storage with provided ID |
data_accessor_no_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for accessing data with key type dispatch, but no key object dispatch. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_accessor_with_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for accessing data with key type and key object dispatch. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_container< KeyType, DataType, ObjectType > | The central container class holding the data. Uses the singleton pattern for a particular key, value and object type triple |
data_copy_no_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for copying data associated with a particular key type from one object to another. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_copy_no_key< all, all > | Specialization for copying all data from one object to another using viennadata::all |
data_copy_no_key< all, DataType > | Specialization for copying all data of a particular DataType from one object to another using viennadata::all for the KeyType |
data_copy_no_key< KeyType, all > | Specialization for copying all data associated with a particular key type from one object to another using viennadata::all |
data_copy_with_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for copying data associated with a particular key from one object to another. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_copy_with_key< all, all > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_copy_with_key< all, DataType > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_copy_with_key< KeyType, all > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_erasor_no_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for erasing data. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_erasor_no_key< all, all > | Specialization for erasing all data using viennadata::all |
data_erasor_no_key< all, DataType > | Specialization for erasing all data of a particular DataType by providing viennadata::all for the KeyType |
data_erasor_no_key< KeyType, all > | Specialization for erasing all data for a particular KeyType by providing viennadata::all for the DataType |
data_erasor_with_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for erasing data. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_erasor_with_key< all, all > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_erasor_with_key< all, DataType > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_erasor_with_key< KeyType, all > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_find_proxy_no_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for finding data associated with a particular key. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_find_proxy_with_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for finding data associated with a particular key. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_mover_no_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for moving data associated with a particular key type from one object to another. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_mover_with_key< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for moving data associated with a particular key from one object to another. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_mover_with_key< all, all > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_mover_with_key< all, DataType > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_mover_with_key< KeyType, all > | Specialization that prevents supplying a key argument when using viennadata::all |
data_reservation_proxy< KeyType, DataType > | A proxy class for reserving memory needed for storing data associated with a particular key type. Only used internally in ViennaData |
data_type_reference< DataType, ContainerType > | A helper metafunction that fixes problems with std::vector<bool> returning std::_bit_reference instead of bool |
data_type_reference< bool, std::vector< bool > > | |
default_data_for_key< KeyType > | A traits class that specifies the default data type for a key. By default, no key type has a default data type |
dense_data_tag | A tag class for storing data in a dense manner, i.e. most objects of the same type carry the data for a particular key/value pair |
error_indicator< T > | A helper class to raise compile time errors |
full_key_dispatch_tag | A tag class for specifying that both the key type and the key object are used for data access |
IS_ACCESS_WITHOUT_KEY_ALLOWED< KeyDispatchTag > | Helper class: Checks for valid access without key. If no key is supplied, than full dispatch is clearly illegal |
IS_ACCESS_WITHOUT_KEY_ALLOWED< type_key_dispatch_tag > | No key is allowed when using a type based dispatch |
key_dispatch< KeyType > | A traits class that specifies whether data is accessed using full key dispatches (object and type), or using the key type only |
key_value_pair< ObjectType > | A dispatch facility that unwraps type-erasued key-value type pairs |
key_value_pair_interface< ObjectType > | The interface for type-erasued key-value type pairs on a certain element |
key_value_pair_wrapper< KeyType, DataType, ObjectType > | A dispatch facility that unwraps type-erasued key-value type pairs |
key_value_registration< ObjectType > | This class holds (key-type, data-type) pairs. Uses a singleton pattern to |
object_identifier< ObjectType > | Traits class that specifies the object identification mechanism |
object_provided_id | A tag class that indicates that the object provides an ID mechanism (must be supplied by overloading object_identifier appropriately) |
pointer_based_id | A tag class that indicates that object addresses should be used as identification |
sparse_data_tag | A tag class for storing data in a sparse manner, i.e. only a few objects of the same type carry the data for a particular key/value pair |
storage< KeyType, DataType, ObjectType > | A traits class that specifies whether data should be stored in a dense (i.e. vector) or a sparse (i.e. map) manner |
type_key_dispatch_tag | A tag class for specifying that ONLY the key type is used for data access |